Offers Over
An extensive upland farm with potential for commercial conifer and native broadleaf woodland. Located in a prime area of South Scotland benefiting excellent access.
• Livestock farm with productive and free-draining soils.
• Potential for large scale mixed forestry afforestation and creation of Carbon Credits.
• Highly desirable location.
• Good access to timber processors.
• Farmhouse and outbuildings included.
Stroanpatrick is a large area of productive grass hill-land and is currently used to graze livestock. The farm is low lying, rising from 210 meters above sea level to 320 meters. The majority of the farm benefits a southerly aspect with gently undulating terrain. The land is classified by the James Hutton Institute as Grade 5.2 to Grade 5.3 for agriculture. It is believed that the farm is suitable for a mixture of commercial conifer and broadleaved woodland creation subject to Scottish Forestry approval. The Farm would provide an afforestation project with the creation of carbon credits as detailed in the Woodland Carbon Code.
The western boundary of the property comprises the Water of Ken an attractive feature that could be further enhanced by sensitive riparian planting. Land to the west, east, and north comprises existing commercial forestry of high quality. Major timber processing facilities are located at Troon to the north-west, Lockerbie to the east and Annan the south-east. Stroanpatrick Farmhouse comprises a traditional two story, 3 bedroom, stone and slate detached farmhouse. In close proximity to the house is a traditional stone byre and hayshed with lean-to. On the southside of the B729 is a small building with the walls and roof clad in metal sheeting. Although it has not been explored, planning for residential development may be possible, subject to approval from the relevant authority.
Renewable Energy – Clawback Clause
The sale is subject to the purchaser entering into a clawback agreement with the seller in respect of any future renewable energy development – wind, hydro or solar. The Agreement will require the purchaser to pay 25% of income derived from any renewable energy development (excluding any timber compensation payments) for a period of 25 years from the date of commissioning of the development relative to any planning permission that is secured within a 15-year period from the date of sale. The Purchaser shall grant in favour of the Seller a first ranking standard security over the property to secure the clawback obligations.